Events 2018
Transfer and Adaption of Knowledge of Script and Language in the Ancient Near East
International Workshop organized by Project A01 "Episteme as Configurative Process: Internal Transfer in Cuneiform Textual Corpora" (Head: Prof. Dr. Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum)
Aetius of Amida, Books on Medicine
Workshop organised by project A03 „The Transfer of Medical Episteme in the ‘Encyclopaedic’ Compilations of Late Antiquity“ (Head: Prof. Dr. Philip van der Eijk)
Location: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Institut für Klassische Philologie Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin
'Out of the box': Unconventional Materializations of Text/Writing/Knowledge
Bilateral Workshop with the Collaborative Research Center 933 "Material Text Cultures" at the University of Heidelberg
Location: University of Heidelberg
Things in Medieval Literature, Society, and the Visual Arts
Workshop of Project B02 „The Marvelous as a Configuration of Knowledge in Literature of the Middle Ages“ (Head: Prof. Dr. Jutta Eming) in cooperation with Prof. Kathryn Starkey Ph.D., Stanford University
Location: SFB-Villa, Sitzungsraum, Schwendenerstraße 8, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
„Strange Matter“: How Things Disrupt Time
International conference organised by project B01 "Artefacts, Treasures and Ruins - Materiality and Historicity in the Literature of the English Middle Ages " (Head: Prof. Dr. Andrew James Johnston)
Location: SFB-Villa, Schwendenerstraße 8, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
Aetius of Amida, Books on Medicine
Workshop organised by project A03 „The Transfer of Medical Episteme in the ‘Encyclopaedic’ Compilations of Late Antiquity“ (Head: Prof. Dr. Philip van der Eijk)
Location: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Institut für Klassische Philologie Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin
Workshop 1: Epistemic Territories: Dynamics of Knowledge in the Early Modern Republic of Letters
in the context of the Annual Conference of the Collaborative Research Centre 980 "Economies of Knowledge − Order and Transgression in Premodern Cultures"
Workshop 2: Performing Economies: Changing and Exchanging Goods in Pre-Modern Ritual Communities
in the context of the Annual Conference of the Collaborative Research Centre 980 "Economies of Knowledge − Order and Transgression in Premodern Cultures"
Workshop 3: Epistemic Networks
in the context of the Annual Conference of the Collaborative Research Centre 980 "Economies of Knowledge − Order and Transgression in Premodern Cultures"
Politeness Crossing Times and Spaces
Location: Sitzungsraum der SFB-Villa, Schwendenerstraße 8, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
What is an Academy? Early Modern Learned Societies in a Transcultural Perspective
Location: Einsteinsaal der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jägerstraße 22-23, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Dr. Aaron Amit, Bar Ilan University, Israel: "A Transfer of Sorts - Geonic Sources for Talmudic texts"
Location: TOPOI-House, Kaminzimmer, Hittorfstr. 18, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem (Groundfloor)