International Workshop at the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 980 'Episteme in Motion. Knowledge Transfer from the Ancient World to the Early Modern Period' organized by Prof. Dr. Anne Eusterschulte and Prof. Glenn W. Most
The transdisciplinary research project International Lexicon of Philological Terminologies (ILPhT). Philology as a praxis in a transcultural perspective is directed towards the preparation of a large one-volume lexicon presenting the most important terms that have been used by philologists to describe their activities in the history of scholarship in Classical traditions throughout the world. Such a lexicon, which recognizes not only the similarities in the terminologies of different traditions but also their differences, and indeed the absence of certain terms from certain traditions, would make it possible to compare with one another the procedures involved. It would provide an enormously valuable basis for inter-disciplinary and inter-cultural communication, not only in humanities, but from a transcultural, comparative point of view on a wide range of textual cultures and a plurality of classical traditions within intellectual history.
From a historical and systematical perspective this lexicon project will inquire into philological practices in different textual cultures and the transcultural dynamics of knowledge transfer. It will illuminate dimensions of philology as a praxis in terms of scholarly, epistemological, educational or institutional practices. Against this background the lexicon should provide a significant basis for both disciplinary and interdisciplinary work in a large number of fields of the humanities and social sciences as well as natural sciences and history of sciences.
Zeit & Ort
30.11.2017 - 01.12.2017
SFB-Villa, Blauer Salon/Sitzungsraum im EG, Schwendenerstraße 8, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
Weitere Informationen
Bei dem Workshop handelt es sich um eine SFB-interne Veranstaltung.