Material Artefacts: Reading the Past through Archaeological Objects in Medieval British Literature
Conference „Material Artefacts: Reading the Past through Archaeological Objects in Medieval British Literature“
Internationale Tagung des Teilprojekts B01 „Artefakte, Schätze und Ruinen – Materialität und Geschichtlichkeit in der Literatur des englischen Mittelalters“ (Leitung: Prof. Andrew James Johnston)
The literary depiction of archaeological objects – ruins, fragments, buried artefacts or treasures – occurs with such frequency in the surviving literature of medieval Britain that one might be tempted to speak of a trope. Scenes involving the discovery, description or contemplation of objects from the past can be found in texts ranging from hagiography to elegiac poetry, from historiography to romance, nor are they restricted to any one period or region. Often, these descriptions present an occasion for historical reflection, touching on questions of historical change and processes of transmission. Earlier scholarship usually regarded these scenes as instances of religious contemplation of worldly transience, while approaches from the 1980s and 1990s stressed the respective texts’ awareness of Britain’s ‘post-colonial’ past and its successive periods of settlement and conquest by culturally and linguistically diverse peoples. More recently, scholarship has focused on questions of materiality and transmission.
The objective of this conference is to explore ways in which medieval British texts employ descriptions of material objects in order to produce specifically aesthetic and literary responses to questions of historicity and the epistemological conditions of historical knowledge. The literary depiction of archaeological objects, we believe, generates new forms of historical knowledge which can provide alternative ways of reflecting on historical processes that may even move beyond the established master narratives of medieval historiography.
The event is open to the public, with advance registration requested.
Contact: Jan-Peer Hartmann, jan-peer.hartmann[at]
4 p.m. |
Welcome Address |
4.30 p.m. |
John Hines (Cardiff University): |
5.20 p.m. |
Jonathan Gil Harris (Ashoka University): |
6.10 p.m. |
Coffee break |
6.40 p.m. |
Andrew James Johnston (Freie Universität Berlin): |
7.30 p.m. |
Reception |
9.30 a.m. |
Lori Ann Garner (Rhodes College, Memphis): |
10.20 a.m. |
Jan-Peer Hartmann (Freie Universität Berlin): |
11.10 a.m. |
Coffee break |
11.40 a.m. |
Andrew Hui (Yale-NUS College): |
12.30 p.m. |
Lunch break |
2 p.m. |
Ethan Knapp (Ohio State University): |
2.50 p.m. |
Neil Cartlidge (Durham University): |
3.40 p.m. |
Coffee break |
4.10 p.m. |
Roberta Frank (Yale University): |
9.30 a.m. |
Irina Dumitrescu (Universität Bonn): |
10.20 a.m. |
Philip Schwyzer (University of Exeter): |
11.10 a.m. |
Coffee break |
11.40 a.m. |
Sarah Salih (King's College London): |
12.30 p.m. |
Lunch break |
2 p.m. |
Naomi Howell (University of Exeter): |
2.50 p.m. |
Marijane Osborn (UC Davis): |
3.40 p.m. |
Coffee break |
4.10 p.m. |
Round-Up |
Zeit & Ort
05.06.2015 - 07.06.2015
SFB-Villa, Sitzungsraum, Schwendenerstraße 8, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem